We think that the E.U. has to come back to its original sense and
proposes: The Defence and the Working for the Progress of the
Populations and the Defence of the Right of the Environment.
European Community in the History was the field of different states,
people and cultures that were growing up in their contacts,
connections and agreements. In the History we can see some kind of
examples of Union of the Nations in Europe: in the hand of an
Emperor or in an agreement of some States or in the Hand of the
Religion. But the History teaches us the every time that the power
of the bureaucracy and of the policy tried to cancel the populations
and their interests the disaster is near, and the dream of a union
of populations can become a nightmare.
The History, as
said Giambattista Vico (an Italian philosopher), repeats always
itself using the same system in its different ages and modes.
bureaucracy of the E.U. is not only a problem for the economy of the
Europeans and for the common policy, but it is also a risk of
broking in few years the harmony and the order of the same European
Nations. In fact, at the contrary of a “Big Super Nations” of 27
States that the interests of the Euro Elites and the European
Bureaucracy would like to create, the reality says us that in
Europe there
is a dangerous process of separatisms and soft fighting of the
Regions around all the E.U. territory.
is not a chance that while the E.U. is becoming a Babylonian Tower
of 27 members, the processes of separatisms are growing up in many
differents part of Europe: see at the actual situation of the
Belgium (where in the facts there are 2 differents State of Fiandre
and Vallonia); the situation of the Spain (that for saving the union
of the State, the national parties made a new national constitution
where are included the local independence of the Regions); the
situation of U.K. where in the next years will be not a suppose a
referendum for the Separatism of the Scotland and could be with
that, the same also for the North Ireland and the Galles, arriving
to the situation in Italy where separatist parties are working to
divide, in the facts, the North from the South.
At the same time,
for the Environment and the “green energies”, the Europe is loosing
its battle in the world, even if in Europe was born in the past the
big idea of a green future for the energies. The policy of the E.U.
has created a total dependence of our continent to Energies as the
Gas and the Methane from the Asia and especially from ex Urss
countries. If
a crisis or a future war will come in that area, especially in the
winter, the Europe will be for sure in trouble: in that situation it
isn’t a nightmare to imagine for the Europe a Cold Winter without
the possibility to use our heating, as in the Middle Ages (!). The
policy and the E.U. bureaucracy in these years were the enemies of
what we real need to grow up: the wind energy in North Europe, the
Solar Energy in the Mediterranean countries, the Energy of the Earth
and of the rivers from the East and Centre of Europe. Nothing of
this one seems present in the future E.U. agenda.
partitoambientalita@libero.it CONTATTO
(+39).081.8271482 CONTATTO