Policy for the Environment has to be the Policy of the Populations
also in this field. It is necessary to start from the territories
and from the people to grow up a “green progress” in our continent.
Power has to be in the hands of territories that has to work
starting from (also from start in a couple of years) some simple
things in the way of “green”:
1. Make necessary
compatible the new (and in future also old) houses to an European
Green Standard (imagine that the 60% of the E.U. Pollution comes
from the using of our normal houses);
2. All the public
offices has to function only with green energies and in the use of
green energies: little wind machine or solar machine that give
energy to them, new energetic glasses (for example the last
generations of glasses for windows has created glasses that can
capture solar energy), energetic standard in building and
3. Make possible arrive to the 60% of the recycle of rubbish in all
the towns and 50% in the big cities;
4. Spend Subsidies
not in empty construction but directly dedicate to Territorial
Policy for the Green Education in the schools, start from the
primary school.
In fact, we think
that the European subsidies in the future has to be used in the
Territories and has to be spent in the “green way”, or for re-style
structures in green way, also for save the biologic system of
cultivation (that have to be free of taxes) or, again, to be used
in few big projects that the E.U. Parliament has to approve every
year, dedicate to building Big Green Energy’s Structures in Europe:
about for example solar, wind, re-cycle. 
We also think that
is arrived the time for a new common legislation about defending the
Environment and especially the animal rights. We think to say stop
and make not more legal the vivisection. We think the born of new
kind of crimes to punish the killing and the ill-treatments of
animals. We think special rules to fight the “production of meat”,
without respect of the animals and their dignity. We
think the creation of a special “E.U. Green Certificate” than can
show agriculture and raising that respect the biologic process of
nature and of the save of dignity and life of animals: not only for
a moral must, but also for a better safety of the health of
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